首页 > 外贸类 > 货运代理 > 专业英语 > The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as().

The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as().

A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
正确答案: ABCD
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered
A.type of goods
B.value of the goods
C.mode of transportations
D.the type of risks covered