首页 > 外贸类 > 货运代理 > 专业英语 > A Voyage Charter Party mainly contains the ().

A Voyage Charter Party mainly contains the ().

A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
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A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging
A.payment of freight
B.delivery and redelivery
C.payment of hire
D.time for loading and discharging