首页 > 公务员 > 其它公务员考试 > 银行招聘 > 英语 > ---- how much the price of our shares rises, we may be able to offer shareholders a larger return on their investments.

---- how much the price of our shares rises, we may be able to offer shareholders a larger return on their investments.

A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
正确答案: A
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on
A.Depending on
B.Resulting from
C.Leading to
D.Relying on