首页 > 外语类 > 英语专业考试 > 专业英语四级 > You that letter to James. However ,yo didn't().

You that letter to James. However ,yo didn't().

A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
正确答案: B
答案分析: 「句意」 你本应该给詹姆斯写信,然而,你没写。
「难点」 ought to have written 是虚拟语气,与本句句意相符。
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing
A. ought to write
B.ought to have written
C.should write
D.should be writing