首页 > 外语类 > 英语专业考试 > 专业英语四级 > We can hear ()from the back of the room.

We can hear ()from the back of the room.

A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
正确答案: C
答案分析: 「句意」 我们在房间的后面也能听得很清楚。
「难点」 as well 意为“(程度) 同样地好”,是副词短语修饰动词hear;just 表示程度,意为“刚好” 。
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well
A.just as good
B.just as easy
C.just as well
D.easily as well