首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 英语阅读(二) > The new discovery _______ be of great service to mankind.

The new discovery _______ be of great service to mankind.

A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
正确答案: A
答案分析: be bound to:注定要,一定会。本题中主语是 The new discovery ,所以谓语动词要用is。句意:这项新发现对于人类必定大有用处。
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for
A. is bound to
B.is bound for
C.be bound to
D.be bound for