首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 英美文学选读 > The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the( )Mississippi valley

The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the( )Mississippi valley

A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
正确答案: C
答案分析: 马克吐温是以为地方主义作家,他的作品主题是密西西比河流域和美国的西部。而汤姆索亚和亨克贝利的故事发生在美国内战前的密西西比河流域。
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War
A.pre - War of Independence
B.post - War of Independence
C.pre - Civil War
D.post - Civil War