首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 英美文学选读 > At the age of eighty -seven,( )read his poetry at the inauguration of President John in 1961.

At the age of eighty -seven,( )read his poetry at the inauguration of President John in 1961.

A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
正确答案: A
答案分析: 佛罗斯特在美国声望极高,曾四次获得普利斯奖项,美国国会参议院专门为他的生日设立纪念庆典日,那么他的肯尼迪总统的就职典礼上朗诵自己的诗也就是顺理成章的了。
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound
A.Robert Frost
B.Walt Whitman
C.Ezra Pound