首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 现代语言学 > According to the "principles-and-parameters" theory, "principles" refer to highly abstract properties of grammar which are applied to language in general and which generate phrases and at the same time restrain the power of Move a, while "parameters" allow general principles to operate in certain restricted ways, according to which particular grammars of natural languages vary.

According to the "principles-and-parameters" theory, "principles" refer to highly abstract properties of grammar which are applied to language in general and which generate phrases and at the same time restrain the power of Move a, while "parameters" allow general principles to operate in certain restricted ways, according to which particular grammars of natural languages vary.

正确答案: 正确
答案分析: 根据原则及参数理论,普遍语法由一组综合性条件或原则构成,这组原则指的是语法高度抽象的属性,这一属性被应用于一般语言中,它生成词组,同时限制移动 α 规则的应用范围,阻止其在某些情况下的应用。普遍语法还包括一组参数,这些参数可以保证基本原则在某些情况下的操作,自然语言的个别语法据此而变化。