首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 国际贸易实务(一) > We have ______ at 30 days ’ sight for the amount of the invoice.

We have ______ at 30 days ’ sight for the amount of the invoice.

A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
正确答案: D
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you
A.written to you
B.called on you
C.sent to you by air mail
D.drawn on you