首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(英语) > 国际贸易实务(一) > Should your price ______ reasonable, we will place an order ______ you.

Should your price ______ reasonable, we will place an order ______ you.

A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
正确答案: D
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with
A.is, with
B.are, from
C.is, from
D.be, with