首页 > 学历类 > 升学考试 > 高职单招 > 英语 > Pay attention to road sign while driving in foreign country.

Pay attention to road sign while driving in foreign country.

A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
正确答案: C
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the
A. a; a
B.the; the
C.the; a
D.a; the