首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 国际商务英语 > We would appreciate____us a best price for the goods we enquired

We would appreciate____us a best price for the goods we enquired

A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
正确答案: D
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting
A.if you would quote
B.you quote
C.that you would quote
D.your quoting