首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 国际商务英语 > On receipt of your instruction, we shall carry out this order ______.

On receipt of your instruction, we shall carry out this order ______.

A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
正确答案: C
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays
A.in return
B.without least delay
C.with least delay
D.without delays