首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 基础英语 > We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.

We have received news _ that the wool market on your side is showing signs of recovery.

A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
正确答案: A
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect
A. to an effect
B.to this effect
C. to that effect
D. to the effect