首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 基础英语 > Counter sample is made by ( ) which can help avoid disputes over the quality of goods in the future transaction.

Counter sample is made by ( ) which can help avoid disputes over the quality of goods in the future transaction.

A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
正确答案: B
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer
A.the buyer
B.the seller
C.the carrier
D.the offerer