首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 外贸英语写作 > When he saw me then ,he asked me what_____ .

When he saw me then ,he asked me what_____ .

A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
正确答案: D
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter
A.the matter was
B..the matter is
C.is the matter
D.was the matter