首页 > 学历类 > 自考 > 自考专业(国贸) > 外贸英语写作 > Although Linda tried hard in the exam ,she did ______ than her brother .

Although Linda tried hard in the exam ,she did ______ than her brother .

A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
正确答案: D
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse
A.more badly
B.much better
C.much badly
D.much worse